

The Public Interest Tech Webring is a collection of blogs dedicated to civic tech, public interest tech, government tech policy, and similar topics.

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Civic Innovations – AI Can’t Save Us By Itself
Reading this horrific story about algorithmically-assisted domestic violence interventions in Spain should be required reading for anyone pushing for the adoption of AI into critical government services, specifically those impacting or supporting decision making or the allocation of scare, vital resources. In a nutshell, Spain uses an algorithm to provide...
Zagaja.com – Lessons from Crowdstrike
As I sat in our hospital room with my wife and newborn son, I was a little bit trapped. The computer the nurses had been using now displayed an error message. Our morning nurse came by and asked for whatever paper records they had left in my sons bassinet. Our...
Zagaja.com – Christmas Tree Projects in Government
Yesterday the MBTA announced that come August 1st they will finally accept contactless payments from credit cards and smart phones. This project took over six years and billion dollars. The retrospectives and reports will no doubt show the money was used in useful or productive ways, or wasted with a...
Zagaja.com – Security Redux
Yesterday Vanguard, despite having two security keys enabled with their account, randomly forced me to enable a less secure factor on my account with them. Later that day Facebook would not let me login using the Security Key button on their iPad app and instead required me to approve my...
Bryce Willey – Docassemble and Algebraic Effects
I recently read a blog post by Dan Abramov about Algebraic Effects (dont go off and read it yet! theres some context that I want to plant in your brain first). Its the most excited Ive ever been to read a blog post, since it explains something that Ive been...
Bill Hunt – Slashpages
I love this proposal for standardizing links that appear at the top level of a domain. Many of us have been doing /contact or /about for a long time, but Im very tempted to add a bunch of these as hidden pages in my site! Check it out!
Zagaja.com – The Gulikit King Kong 3 Max Review
A year or two ago Gulikit, a Chinese electronics manufacturer splashed onto the scene with a new kind of joystick replacement for Nintendos joy-con controllers that claimed to resolve the stick drift problem. Nintendo famously had to offer free repairs to its customers as the joysticks on its smaller controllers...


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